Our Fees

  • Sessions with our Psychologists are billed at $210 per hour, and are eligible for a Medicare rebate of $96.65 (out of pocket gap of $113.35)

  • Our Occupational therapy services are consistent with NDIA approved rates for service - $193.99 per hour.

If you have a referral and Mental Health Care Plan from your GP or a Psychiatrist you should be eligible to receive a rebate of $96.65 per session up to 10 sessions in the calendar year with a Registered Psychologist.

For consumers of the NDIS who are self or plan managed there is no out of pocket cost.

We also provide services under Work Safe, TAC and DVA and charge no out of pocket cost.

For the costs of our psychological Assessments, please contact us as each assessment may vary depending on the needs.

Occupational Therapy Fees

Our Occupational therapy services are consistent with NDIA approved rates for service - $193.99 per hour.